
We will enable our pupils to be creators not just consumers of digital content and our broad curriculum encompassing computer science, information technology and online safety reflects this. Our children will learn Computing in a way that ensures a progression of skills and concepts, and follows a sequence to build on previous learning. We will teach computing units that are engaging and relevant to our pupils and, where possible, link them to current interests and themes. Our children will be taught to use technology responsibly and carefully, being mindful of how their behaviour, words and actions can affect themselves and others. We will provide pupils with opportunities to use computational thinking and digital creativity to support their learning across the curriculum, whether supporting and enriching learning, expressing themselves or solving problems.


At Coppermill, computing is taught in discreet, weekly computing lessons but the use of technology is encouraged to support learning across all curriculum areas. We use The NCCE Computing Curriculum scheme of work to cover the three areas of the Computing National Curriculum: Digital literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology. This is delivered through half-termly units which cover;

Each unit builds on previous learning which means that the children are able to develop depth in their knowledge and skills over the duration of each of their computing topics. Where appropriate, meaningful links will be made with the wider curriculum. In computing lessons, the children will use either iPads, Chromebooks or PCs in order to access a range of apps and software. We also use physical computing hardware – Microbits and Crumbles- as well as unplugged activities to support and embed understanding of computer science concepts.

Online safety is taught regularly at an age appropriate level and is threaded through our computing scheme. We also react to current events and class specific issues where necessary. At the beginning of each year, children are reminded of our Acceptable Use Policy, which they sign annually, and we also plan and deliver additional lessons around the Safer Internet Day themes. 


After each unit of work, teachers will make a judgement on whether pupils have met, exceeded or are working towards the objectives set. This will also provide information for the subject leader and will be submitted for analysis to track and monitor achievement and progress and the impact that this has had. Evidence of progression and achievement will be seen in examples of pupils’ work sent to the subject leader and stored on the server.

As a result of effective implementation, pupils will be able to apply their skills and knowledge in other areas of learning.

Pupils will be able to share their knowledge of how to be a responsible user of technology through discussion when questioned. They will be prepared for the next stage in their lives, knowing how to be a responsible user of technology in the wider world and most importantly, know where to seek support.

Pupils will be familiar with and will discuss their understanding of the three main strands and will know key vocabulary associated with these.

Please see below for our computing progression document. 

Coppermill Teach Computing Progression plus Reception.docx