Admission to Nursery

The school has the capacity to accommodate up to 26 full time equivalent (FTE) places in Foundation Nursery (up to 52 part-time places) and we currently accept both preferences dependant on available space.  The admissions waiting list is held and organised by the school.  Parents can formally apply for a place in our Nursery by completing an application pack, which can be collected from the School Office.  Children can start Nursery in the term following their third birthday. Our main intake is September, followed by January and April (if spaces are available). Places are allocated using similar criteria as Foundation Stage Reception – refer to our Nursery Admissions Policy below.

Admission to Reception

A place in our Nursery does not automatically confirm a place in our Reception Class. A further application must be made, following the Local Authority Admissions procedure, directly to the Local Authority. Coppermill Primary School has a Reception intake of 30 pupils per year.

There is one point of entry to Reception in September each year. All children whose 5th birthday is between 1st September and 31st August will be eligible to start their full time education at the start of the Autumn term in September. The principle of the single point of entry is based on all pupils receiving the same length of education in the Foundation Stage. If parents are thinking of choosing to defer the start of normal point of entry should contact the school to discuss this.

Admissions Application Process

All primary school admissions – from Reception to Year 6 – are dealt with by Waltham Forest Pupil Admissions.

Full details of the Local Authority application process can be obtained on the Waltham Forest website

The school is happy to assist parents with the application process and bi-lingual staff are also available to support.

We provide a programme of visits and workshops for parents and children prior to admission to both the Nursery or Reception class.  This enables children to become familiar with their new surroundings and to settle in quickly and supports parents to understand their role in working in partnership with the school as the child’s first educators.  Prospective parents may also visit the school at any time by prior arrangement with the School Office.

Reception and Secondary Admissions

Ideally, all new school applications (Reception or Secondary) should be made online at

In-Year Admissions

‘In-Year admissions’ is the term used when a child is looking for a school place after 1st September, during the academic year.

You can make an application for an in-year admission when you have moved to, or moved house within, Waltham Forest and need a school place or you want your child to move from one school to another within the same year group

If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and you want to change their current school, please contact the Disability Enablement Service on 020 8496 6503 / 6505

Waltham Forest School Admissions coordinates in-year admissions for all applicants who reside within Waltham Forest (existing and new to the borough) who require places in schools either in or outside Waltham Forest.

The quickest and simplest way to apply is via the online application which can be found at:

You can only complete Waltham Forest’s In-Year Common Application Form (iCAF) if you live in Waltham Forest.  If you live in another borough but would like to apply for a place in a Waltham Forest School, please make an application to the local authority in whose area you live.

Visiting Pupil Admissions

If you need to see an admissions officer, pupil admissions offer an information and advice service to parents as follows:

Monday -appointments only (appointments can be booked by phone on the number below)

Wednesday -appointments only (appointments can be booked by phone on the number below)

Address:  The Magistrates, Town Hall Complex, 1 Farnan Avenue, Walthamstow E17 4NX

Telephone Number: 020 8496 3000

E-mail addresses:

Moving to Secondary School

The school is happy to support Year 6 pupils and parent/carers with their applications for local Secondary Schools.

Click here for more information about applying to a Secondary School in Waltham Forest: