Extended School 

Breakfast Club (7:45-8:50am) and Tea-Time club (3:30-6:00pm)

We have a in-school breakfast and tea-time club, led and managed by our own staff, which runs from Monday to Friday during term time.  The breakfast club times are 7:45am – 8:50am, at a cost of £5.00 per session and the tea-time club times are 3:30 - 6:00pm at a cost of £12.00 per session.  Please refer to our Welcome Pack , at the end of this page, for further information. 

If you would like your child to attend, please fill in the form below and either e-mail or hand it in to the school office.

Extra-Curricular Enrichment Clubs

We are pleased to offer a wide range of interesting and engaging after school enrichment clubs for our pupils through the year.  All our clubs are led by either our own school staff or specialists working within our community. We are proud of the relationships we have built up with our external providers, many of which have worked with our school for many years, and are thereby committed to our school community.   We aim to ensure that all children who have requested a club are offered a place at least once a term which ensures that no one misses out!  If you would like your child to attend a club please use the link which has been emailed to you to book a place. 

Our Autumn Term 2024 & Spring Term 2025 Club schedule can be found below:

Coppermill Enrichment Clubs Schedule - Autumn 2024.pdf