
At Coppermill we deliver a PSHE curriculum which is accessible to all and is reflective of the needs of our pupils. We ensure that our pupils learn how to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. We teach pupils life skills which enable them to understand how they are developing personally as an individual and socially as part of a wider community. The curriculum will tackle moral, social and cultural issues which are relevant today and are a part of growing up, including developing healthy relationships with others. Our curriculum will prepare our pupils to be global citizens in a diverse society, develop a sense of self-worth and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life.


At Coppermill, we use the 1decision scheme of work, which is mapped against the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study.  1decision is carefully mapped to ensure knowledge and skills are continually built upon and is taught in discrete lessons, a minimum of, twice per half term. In the first half term of each year the children will spend some time looking at our school values as well as exploring friendships and relationships to ensure a positive start to the year for all. They will then commence working from the 1decision scheme which consists of core themes to be explored in KS1 and KS2. The core themes are 

- Keeping/ Staying Safe
- Keeping/ Staying Healthy
- Relationships
- Growing and Changing
- Being Responsible
- Feelings and Emotions
- Computer Safety
- Our World/The Working World
- Hazard Watch
- A World Without Judgement 

There are also additional units which cover fire safety and first aid. Please see below for our yearly overview which outlines which units are covered in each year group. 


At Coppermill, we believe that impact of our PSHE curriculum can be seen in our children's attitudes and behaviours. The effects of our curriculum can be seen in the ways in which the children at Coppermill approach their learning and conduct themselves around school and in the playground. Children at our school develop into well-rounded, kind and respectful individuals with the ability to make good decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Our pupils leave Year 6 equipped with essential skills that will enable them to transition into secondary school and prepare them for their adult lives. Teachers assess children's understanding and skill development in an ongoing and informal manner and use the 1decision scheme's informal assessments to inform their teaching.