
At Coppermill we instil a love of music and performance. Our music curriculum will develop children’s curiosity and knowledge of a range of different musical styles and genres as well as equipping them with musical skills. Throughout their time at Coppermill, our children will be exposed to a wide range of musical genres, taught different ways to listen and given frameworks to discuss what they’ve heard. They will be taught recorder (year 2) and ukulele (years 3 and 4) and as they progress up the school will learn basic notation and rhythm. At the upper end of the school they will compose raps, songs, and mood pieces on a variety of instruments. By the time they leave Coppermill our children will have developed the confidence and skills to take part in music in a variety of different contexts. 


At Coppermill music is delivered in three ways:


·        Weekly class lessons, delivered by the class teacher or music specialist

·        Weekly singing assemblies

·        Individual instrument tuition (paid for privately and delivered by specialist teachers)


The lessons are based on the following National Curriculum strands: listening and responding, composing, and performing. There is an emphasis on skills (control of instruments, understanding pitch and rhythm etc), on exposing children to a wide range of musical genres (our ‘Jukebox Jury’ lessons) and on encouraging every child to be a composer. There are many opportunities for children to perform in class and assemblies.

The school places a big emphasis on performance. Our Winter Concerts involve solos, part singing, harmony and, in KS2, a supporting cast of musicians. At the end of year six, the children perform a musical (recently Oliver, Grease, Bugsy and Matilda) and sing, dance (and sometimes play) at the same time. These develop many skills - projection, confidence, teamwork – but the main aim is to instil a love of performance.

There are weekly singing assemblies for both key stages. The key stage one assembly involves singing and movement, while in key stage two children have a ‘house band’, an open mic slot, and song writing competitions.


The impact of music at Coppermill can be seen through the growing number of pupils learning an instrument, the mature and detailed way our children discuss the subject, and by the love of performing that stretches from Reception to Year 6. Come into one of our music assemblies and watch the hands shoot up +when we ask “who wants to sing a solo?” Our children enjoy music in different ways; as listeners, creators and performers. They are able to comment on music that they like and don’t like and develop a picture of musical history and style. They also develop the skills and knowledge to sing and play simple pieces on a range of instruments, giving them a foundation for developing as musicians as they move into secondary school and beyond. Staff evaluate music lessons according to engagement and enthusiasm and, through ongoing formative assessment, develop a clear picture of children’s developing knowledge and skills.